Our Blog

  • Kids in a Canoe

    Boating Season is Here – Are You Up to Speed on Safety?

    With spring in full bloom and summer just on the horizon, prime boating season is upon us. And you might notice more people on the water than ever, because sales of recreational boats have been growing at a steady clip for seven consecutive years now, according to the National Marine Manufacturers Association. Fortunately, the number […]

    May 15, 2019

  • apple

    7 Facts About Teachers That Might Surprise You

    “What really makes a teacher is love … for it is love that transforms the social duty of the educator into the higher consciousness of a mission.” Almost everyone has a story about a teacher who inspired them—the one who made learning fun, ignited a passion for a specific topic, or even pushed students hard […]

    May 1, 2019

  • Employers Double Down on Employee Benefits

    As the job market tightens and competition for workers becomes fiercer, a majority of employers are boosting their employee benefits offerings and are paying less attention to reducing associated costs, according to a new study. The changes reflect the shifting priorities of the workforce and the newest generation to enter the job market. The challenge […]

    April 18, 2019

  • absent employee

    Pre-existing Conditions Weigh Heavily on Workers’ Comp Claims

    Your workers’ underlying health can greatly affect the amount of time they are off the job recovering from a workplace injury. A new study has found that workers with pre-existing health issues like hypertension, obesity and mental health spend 60% more time recovering from workplace injuries than healthy workers. And because those injured workers are […]

    April 18, 2019

  • Don’t Forget State-Mandated Anti-Harassment Training for Your Employees

    If you have not gotten started on your efforts to provide anti-harassment training to your California employees, you need to get working on it now. Law passed last year puts the onus on most employers in the state to provide anti-sexual harassment training to their staff every two years. Starting this year, employers with five […]

    April 18, 2019

  • recycle

    Three ways to lower your carbon footprint for Earth Day (and beyond)

    On April 22, the 49th annual Earth Day is expected to include more than 1 billion people in nearly 200 countries taking part in what the Earth Day Network calls “the largest civic-focused day of action in the world.” Since the first Earth Day in 1970 (which was connected to the passage of the Clean […]

    April 16, 2019

  • money

    7 Ways to Improve Your Finances During Financial Literacy Month

    April is tax season, so a lot of people are thinking about their finances these days. But if you’re like most people, you’re probably thinking in the short term: What’s my refund going to be—or how much do I owe? And what is that going to do to my monthly budget? It’s good to be […]

    April 1, 2019

  • Daylight Saving Time is also Daylight Safety Time

    In most places in the United States, March 10, is Daylight Saving Time, when clocks are moved forward one hour. We want to remind you it’s also a great time to improve your family’s safety. Be safe in your home Health and safety agencies often use the approach of Daylight Saving Time to remind people […]

    March 6, 2019

  • Martin Luther King Jr Memorial

    14 Fascinating Facts about February

    February is the shortest month of the year (even in leap years, when it has 29 days instead of 28), but there’s no shortage of interesting facts about it. From weird holidays to astronomical oddities, this month has a bit of everything. So with a nod to what February is perhaps best known for—Valentine’s Day […]

    February 21, 2019

  • security camera in use

    Home security technology: Keeping you ahead of the burglars

    Back in the early days of home security “systems,” around the end of World War I, it was common for homeowners to hire “door shakers”—night watchmen who would literally walk around and check doors to make sure they were locked. The most advanced product at the time, according to the Electronic Security Association, was an […]

    February 7, 2019