Our Blog

  • Why You Might Want to Live Like a Minimalist

    Decluttering is having a moment these days. Organizing guru Marie Kondo has her own show on Netflix, people everywhere are going through their things and asking, “Does this bring me joy?” and many are even exploring the minimalist lifestyle. Wondering what the all the fuss is about? Let’s talk about some of the benefits of […]

    September 24, 2019

  • How to Ride Your Motorcycle Safely in a Group

    Group riding is a favorite activity among many motorcycle riders. Whether you’re part of a riding club, a social event, a charity ride, or out for a leisurely cruise with friends, group riding can be a rewarding way to spend time doing what you love. However, group riding has its own risks. This is especially […]

    August 21, 2019

  • school supplies

    It’s Back-to-School Time — Is Your House Ready?

    We’re not quite sure where summer went, but if you haven’t noticed, it’s already time to think about the new school year. And as you think about how to get your kids organized and ready, consider doing the same thing for something else — your home. It won’t just be good for you; in many […]

    August 1, 2019

  • ohigetit

    Helping Your Staff Pick the Right Health Plans

    Every year employees across the country choose the wrong group health plan from their employer because they don’t understand the coverage and what type of plan is best for their circumstances. This ends up costing them hundreds if not thousands of dollars in unnecessary medical and premium outlays each year. But you can help them […]

    July 19, 2019

  • Legal Traps to Avoid When Dealing with FMLA Requests

    If you are confused about navigating the federal Family and Medical Leave Act, here’s a handy list of mistakes to avoid. Firing – It would be a bad idea to fire an employee if they’re unable to return to work following the end of FMLA leave that is due to their serious health condition. Better […]

    July 19, 2019

  • Safeguarding Your Business from Earthquakes

    After the series of earthquakes that rocked Southern California in early July, the largest in the region in 20 years, the temblors left some retail establishments and other businesses with damaged structures and furnishings. While damage after quakes is often focused on homes, many businesses are also susceptible to damage. The wine industry suffered more […]

    July 19, 2019

  • smoke fire

    Cal/OSHA Issues Emergency Rules to Protect Workers from Wildfire Smoke

    Cal/OSHA has issued emergency regulations that require employers of outdoor workers to take protective measures, including providing respiratory equipment, when air quality is significantly affected by wildfires. Smoke from wildfires can travel hundreds of miles and while an area may not be in danger of the fire, the smoke can be thick and dangerous, reaching […]

    July 19, 2019

  • garage

    Five Tips to (Finally) Get your Garage Organized

    There’s perhaps no organizing task more daunting than the garage—it’s often the dumping ground for the stuff that has no other place in the house, or the things you don’t use but just can’t bring yourself to toss. How do you know you’ve got a problem? Maybe you’ve noticed it’s getting harder and harder just […]

    July 15, 2019

  • child at the beach

    How to Make Your Family Vacation a Great One

    Summer is here, which means it’s time to think about family vacations! (If you haven’t been thinking about them all year, that is.) The family part of family vacations, however, can make things a little complicated. You want to choose a destination that is fun for everyone, including the kids. You want to ensure they’re […]

    June 26, 2019

  • What Car Drivers Need to Know about Motorcycles

    Spring is here, which means you’ll likely see more motorcycles on the road. And the key word here is “see.” People driving cars and trucks often fail to notice the motorcyclists around them, partly because they’re not accustomed to looking for them. It’s obvious yet bears repeating: Motorcyclists are much more vulnerable than car and […]

    June 5, 2019